He's killing me - He's chair of Homeland Security and isn't going to investigate the graft of Katrina. I'm a Democrat in CT and this is a slap in the face. I vowed to leave the party if he were elected...
View ArticleTo be or not to be a Democrat
I've been a Democrat my whole life - I've been a union man as well. I've supported every minority for as long as I can remember. I've voted in all the primaries and elections. And now when we finally...
View ArticleImpeachment and Billion Dollar Campaigns
Let's just imagine that President Bush was actually daring the Democrats to try and impeach him. So what could he do that would actually cause a response from the "what comes first is my getting...
View ArticleThe new one room school
This was a response of mine to another blog: The problem is and always has been that learning can't be prescribed. It happens when it happens. Schools have always been places that have tried to isolate...
View ArticleSafety in Numbers-the village
There is safety in the numbers. The bigger the number the harder it is to lurk in shadows and pounce on the weak and/or unsuspecting. When the facility is being used by many people crime plummets. I...
View ArticleUnequivocally - Stop the damn war!
I know every politician wants to put conditions on getting this wrong righted but we never had any business in Iraq; we don't have any business telling those folks how to fix what we did. Leaving...
View ArticleGet ready for the Democrats to become unhinged
Hillary kicking and screaming; Obama dragging up the horrid past of both Clintons. If it weren't sleazy it soon will be. The Democrats, that's how I register, are about to begin a process that could...
View ArticleManaging Oil
The oil industry is enjoying the way that the global market is responding to the apparent supply of its product. Demand is off the charts; supply is under tight control. Prices have never been higher....
View ArticleC-SPAN Manipulation
I've heard of it before when call ins all are from one perspective. On Sat. March 22, The Washington Journal portion of C-SPAN really was upsetting to my disposition. I was on the treadmill and...
View ArticleTime to stop supplementing sports with cable money
I just sent a very short note to the USGA concerning what they want for someone to see the United States Open. A few years ago my son and I went to Beth Paige on Long Island to see all great pros play...
View ArticleEducation Ha!
Watching the Masters golf tournament and the commercials by big oil concerning how we need more education in math and science made me wonder about why big oil doesn't encourage more education in...
View ArticleIs it time to pack the court yet?
The Supreme Court is anything but supreme. The jokers that Bush and others have placed on this court would be better placed with Fox News. We shouldn't have to put up with this kind of "packing" for...
View ArticleMore tests, more tests, more tests
I was just taking a quick look at the BBC, trying to get some news on China. The earthquake wasn't covered well by MSM in the USA. I guess they figure there aren't enough Chinese in the USA to give it...
View ArticleSenate Republicans say no tax on oil profits
First of all McClatchy has had some articles on this in the last few days. "These steps could lower oil prices, but nobody'll take them" by Kevin G Hall comments about 3 reasonable ways to check rising...
View ArticleI could have run for Presidency
By the winter people may find it so expensive to go to the grocery store that they' ll take a bus to get there. The problem is there won't be a bus going near where they live. I'm stunned that neither...
View ArticleThe top ten stories or top ten people or whatever
I hate it! I'm sick of it; I don't care about any of it! I'm glad that life goes on into the next trip around the sun so we can let the last one go. I don't want to hear about the greatest sports...
View Articleno more senority may be an answer to many ills
Controlling lobbying and other reasons that Congress isn't working for us? This came to me out of the blue and at first I thought that it wasn't practical but with some more thought I began to think it...
View ArticleStop confusing employment with Congress
When I wrote about getting rid of seniority I never once thought of confusing seniority in Congress with seniority in the workplace. People in Congress may think that way but I don't think we should....
View ArticleNo more seniority! Please!
Congress at recess....and so many reasons to be in session. I still make a plea to end seniority in Congress. Ban it....districts with new Senators and new members of the House should be treated...
View ArticleI made a mistake, actually many
At one time I thought most people had good intentions about education. I proposed having a Constitutional amendment that would put "education" into the Constitution and make it a federal...
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